We are one of the business units of Qualia Group. We are Papaya’s Specialists, which makes us an unique company with a presence in over 30 countries worldwide.
Our main reason is based about innovation and generation of technologies to promote and support the growth of this crop worldwide.

We are the beginning and know that we are the starting point of the production chain of papaya, so every day we improve to provide products and services world-class under developed high quality standards that contribute to add value to each of the links in the industry chain.

One Step Ahead means much more than a sentence. It reflects the work of over 20 years about research, development, production and marketing of genetic Papaya materials worldwide. Our secret: never stop innovating.

Semillas del Caribe didn’t invented the Papaya growing, but came to improve, give it sustainability and add value to the industry; It is why, globally, be One Step Ahead, rather than a responsibility, it’s work every day to improve, and get better results than yesterday.

We are Semillas del Caribe, Papayas Specialist … Always, One Step Ahead.